Wednesday 10 February 2016

On Wednesday, February 10, 2016 by minus blue   No comments

People and Environment


The total number of inhabitants of a city, country, or region is called population.

Factors which causes rapid rate of population are:
  1. The low death rate as a result of better medical facilities, improve living standard etc.
  2. High birth rate- the increase in the survival of children. In other words, decline in child mortality rate due to improved medical facilities
  3. Due to poor economic condition of the people in developing countries, people think many children will bring extra income. Hence, population increases rapidly.

Carrying capacity of the earth
It is the capacity of the earth to hold required number of population and provide food and shelter to the people. It has been estimated that the population of the world is increasing so rapidly that the earth is not being able to supply food.

Thomas Malthus predicted that the population of the earth would increase or grow faster than its food supply.

Advantages of small families in modern world
i. Small families can afford better medical, educational and other amenities. Therefore, the living standard would be high
ii. Small families will have better choice of food thereby remaining healthy

Adverse effects of rapidly growing population
i. Due to large population, available national income gets distributed among a large number of people. Thus, it has many ill-effects
ii. Fast growing population creates unemployment and underemployment problems
iii. The increasing population will soon deplete the available natural resources

Measures to lower the population
i. To lower the rate of growth of population there is need to adopt family planning. For example, policies restricting fertility by providing various contraception facilities
ii. Female employment- the increasing number of female employment would mean late marriages. This would help cut down the growth rate.
iii. Providing Education- educated people can better understanding the importance of small family.

Natural Ecosystem: is a unit in which the biotic (living organisms) organisms and abiotic substances (non-living things) interact to produce and exchange food and energy.

Food Chain
The transfer of food energy from one group of organism to another group of organism through a series of steps is called food chain.

People degrade the natural environment
  1. Cutting down forests has speed up soil erosion
  2. Over grazing by domestic animals has changed the structure and fertility of the soils
  3. Pollution from automobiles and factories and the use of fertilizers and pesticides has brought undesirable changes to life in the water, air and ground

In order to sustain Bhutan’s natural environment, the following measures can be undertaken-
i. Though the prohibition of forest burning for pasture development, and a nationwide decline in the practice of tseri cultivation.
ii. Creating awareness and understanding of environmental issues at all levels of Bhutanese society.

The Ozone depletion
Ozone depletion means thinning of the ozone layer through lowering of its density in the stratosphere.

Describe how ozone layer is depleted
Scientists believe that the ozone depletion is largely caused by increased amount of CFCs. The CFCs released to the atmosphere break down the ozone molecules through a chemical reaction. In this way, the ozone is depleted.

What causes ozone depletion?
Ozone depletion is caused by CFCs which is a substance used as coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners.

Global Warming

The gradual increase of the temperature on the lower of the atmosphere is called global warming.

Global warming will have tremendous effect on human life. All the ice stored in high altitudes and on the mountains will melt and flow into the sea. Some scientists predict that the sea level will rise. Many countries near the sea especially the island nations will be submerged under water. People will then be forced to migrate increasing pressure on other parts on the other hand, land for farming would be in short supply.

Green House Effect
The green house effect means progressive warming-up of the earth’s surface due to the blanketing effect of man-made carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Sources of green house gases
i.Burning of minerals oil is one of the main sources of green house gas.
ii. Rapid rate of deforestation also increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere because forest is the greatest source of carbon sink.
iii. Methane is another significant green house gas which is produce from organic matter.

Measures to prevent Green House Effect
i. International Cooperation: the international communities must be well aware of the global warming and various efforts must be initiated to control global warming. For example, by reducing the production and consumption of CFCs.
ii. Forest conversion: some definite law should be enacted to conserve forest resources.

Bhutan’s environmental problems are not severe
i. Hydroelectricity is the main source of energy or power which does not release pollutants into the environment
ii. Most of the industries are wood-based using hydroelectricity as the main source of power. 
iii. Moreover, industries are very limited in Bhutan.
iv.Most Bhutanese people are governed by Buddhist beliefs, which prevent them from causing widespread destruction of trees and wildlife.


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